Dark Skies

Nevada Starry Skies Logo

Nevada Starry Skies Certification Program

In 2021, the Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation was tasked with implementing and overseeing a dark skies certification program for the state, SB 52. As of October 2024, we are excited to announce the launch of the Nevada Starry Skies Certification Program. This initiative aims to collaborate with various organizations and government entities to reduce light pollution, ultimately benefiting human health, the natural rhythms of nocturnal wildlife and plants all while promoting Nevada’s incredible dark skies.

Through this program, communities can take several different approaches to reduce light pollution. Implementing management plans, passing a local ordinance or even approving a lighting policy, are all positive steps towards reducing light pollution. 

Education remains a pivotal component to engaging communities in the promotion and preservation of Nevada’s dark skies. There are often key misconceptions about transitioning to dark sky compliant lighting. Safety, energy bills and costs of lighting are often cited as the primary hesitation in pursuing dark skies lighting. This program seeks to better inform communities about the five principles of outside lighting and the benefits associated with reducing light pollution. According to DarkSky International, in the U.S. alone, it is estimated that 30 percent of all outdoor lighting is wasted, which adds up to $3.3 billion of energy and the release of 21 million tons of carbon dioxide per year. 

Please refer to a light pollution interactive map to better understand the scale of light pollution for the proposed Nevada Starry Skies site.

Applications Open October of Each Year 

Quick Links:

Nevada Starry Skies Program Manual

Nevada Starry Skies Application

Questions about the Nevada Starry Skies certification? Please contact:

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Schools
  • Homeowners Associations
  • Open Spaces/Parks/Conservation areas
  • Tribal Governments
  • Municipalities
  • Unincorporated Communities
  • Downtown businesses/Main Street Programs/Chambers of Commerce

How do I apply?

Start by reading the program manual to determine which certification is best suited for the organization or entity that you are representing.

  1. Email the Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation Nevada Starry Skies Program to discuss the process and receive additional information or feedback about the proposed site. Interested applicants can reach out either by email or phone call, using the contact information found in this manual and on the website. 
  2. Be prepared to provide a primary point of contact, your organization, and an email address. Make sure to update the Nevada Starry Skies Program if the primary contact changes at any point.  
  3. Complete the application form during the open period and email the completed form in PDF format to nvstarryskies@ndor.nv.gov. Or mail to:
    Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation
    ATTN: Nevada Starry Skies Program Officer
    901 S. Stewart St. Ste. 1002
    Carson City, NV 89701

What is required to become certified?

To apply, interested candidates for the Nevada Starry Skies Certification program will need to submit a completed management plan, ordinance or policy along with the following: 

  1. Proposed education materials, including number of outreach events if applicable. Please refer to the program manual for specific education requirements for each eligible entity. 
  2. Benchmark and timelines for completing the proposed implementation. Please refer to the program manual for expected timelines.  
  3. Lighting specifications for the proposed Nevada Starry Skies site.

When are applications being accepted?

  • October 1st until October 31st every year

When will the certification be awarded?

  • Applicants will be informed of their certification process within 90-days from when they submitted a completed application.

Funding Availability:

Currently, the Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation does not have grant funding available for this certification process. This certification is free to apply, with the understanding that awardees are responsible for implementing the plan and will need to allocate funding appropriately. Our division is working to compile a list of funding sources that are applicable to eligible candidates.

This program would not be possible without the DarkSky International, who's advocacy efforts are leading the way for everyone to learn about how to reduce light pollution in their communities.