Recreate Responsibly

Responsible recreation is essential for preserving recreation areas and ensuring that future generations can enjoy them. Understanding the type of land you are recreating on and who manages that land is a fundamental aspect of being a good steward of the environment. Different lands, whether public or private, come with varying rules and regulations aimed at conserving wildlife, preventing damage to ecosystems, and ensuring sustainable use for all. Please do your part to protect the long-term health and accessibility of our outdoor spaces across Nevada. 

Head over to Nevada Trail Finder as your go to resource for all recreation activities in Nevada and to download latest trail data for offline use. As always, when planning a trip make sure to visit the land manager's website for all updates.  

The Bureau of Land Management

49 Wilderness Areas covering 2,262,411 acres of wilderness 

60 Wilderness Study Areas covering 2,018,717 acres of wilderness 

USDA Forest Service - Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest

23 Wilderness Areas covering 1.2 millions acres of wilderness 

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

1 Wilderness Area covering 1.6 million acres of wilderness.  

Nevada's BLM Conservation Areas 

3 National Conservations Areas covering 1,066,130.09 acres 

Nevada's BLM National Monuments 

 3 National Monuments covering 1,004,960.23 acres 

Nevada's National Parks 

2 National Parks covering 773,221.87 acres

Nevada BLM Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)

57 ACEC covering 1,667,312.15 acres

For public lands such as open space properties and parks managed by county or city, make sure to plan ahead by visiting their website to discover allowable recreation activities! 

Recreate Responsibly Messaging 

Mojave Max

Bear Wise

Cultural Resources 

Leave No Trace

Tread Lightly! 

Stay Out Stay Alive 

Trail Etiquette